
Student Home Materials – All Students  

The regular and consistent use of Student Home Materials (SHMs) is an essential and indispensable component of a student’s success with the Simply Music Piano Program. Students can only realize the full impact and promise of this program (to maximize the likelihood of acquiring and retaining music as a lifelong companion) if they are consistently and correctly utilizing the SHMs. These materials give students the ability to review exactly what was taught to them in class. They provide audio and visual support, they strengthen a student’s ability to absorb the playing-based tools of our program, and they provide an extremely efficient and important means of reviewing content. In essence, the SHMs allow students to process information at home (where the application of the lesson takes place), and come back to class the following week ready and prepared to move forward.

As a Northwest Music and Simply Music Student, it is a requirement to purchase the SHMs, as well as use them correctly. Students in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States currently have the option to order either digital materials or a combination of both physical and digital.

To access materials, students must go to students.simplymusic.com/store and purchase the relevant SHMs. As part of the initial ordering process, you will setup an online account, and have the opportunity to link their teacher. Linkability allows your teacher to manage aspects of students’ online activity.

Initial Required Student Home Materials to be purchased:

Foundation Program-Foundation 1                                    

Special Program-Accompaniment 1

Supplementary Program-Songs for Christmas                       

Once Initial Required Simply Music materials have been purchased, all active Northwest students will be given access to Northwest Music "Online Resources" relevant to their chosen instrument. To enable access to extra materials on your Northwest Music Student Portal, it is vital you LINK to your teacher when setting up your Simply Music account.

Simply Music Teacher: Tim Kessel

Teacher ID#: 684




As a part of purchasing your first SHMs, you will first be required to create an online student account. This account allows you to purchase and access your library of digital Simply Music materials. Once you have created your online account you will have immediate access to any digital SHMs purchased. Creating an online account only takes a few simple steps.


Step-by-Step - Create an Online Student Account: 


1. Go to the students 'store' of the Simply Music Student Intranet at: students.simplymusic.com/store.


2. Your Teacher has directed you to the appropriate SHM category - Foundation, Special, Development or Supplemental Programs - and then locate the SHMs for the appropriate Level or Program.


3.You will need to ‘add’ the selected SHMs to their ‘Cart’ and then ‘Checkout’. This will also initiate the sign-up process where you will be prompted to create a username and password, followed by Billing, then Shipping, then Payment information.


4. After completing steps 1, 2 and 3 you will automatically be logged into the Student Intranet where you can view the SHMs that you have just purchased. You can then also take a quick site tour and link to your teacher.


TIP: Most parents will be setting up the student account on behalf of their child. We recommend requesting that when parents are creating their online account, they use their child's name as the username. This will definitely help your teacher identify precisely who the student is, and accurately utilize the student management features.


Additional Points to Note on Student Accounts 


• Only one account is required per family regardless of how many family members are participating in the program. However, each online account comes with one ‘User Profile’. If, parents would like additional ‘User Profiles’ for their other children, they are required to create completely separate accounts and purchase completely separate digital access.


When creating an online account for a family who has more than one student attending lessons, we suggest that parents set up the account with a more generic username, e.g. “The Moores” or “The Moore Family”. This will help your teacher, distinguish between individual users and a family.


• Students will have immediate access to their purchased digital materials. Some SHMs, such as videos, cannot be downloaded. As such, students will need to be connected to the internet in order to view digital materials online.




Q. What if my student cannot login to the Student Intranet or forgets their password?


A. There are 2 options for students if they're having issues logging into the Simply Music Student Intranet.


1. Go to students.simplymusic.com and click the ‘Forgot Password’ button below the login window and follow the steps to reset their password.


2. Email support@simplymusic.com for technical help and get assistance on resetting their password or locating their username.


3. Use the same password and user name as your Northwest Music password and username.


TIP: Reminder students and/coaches should write down their username and password.


Q. Do I have to be linked to my teacher account to have the ability to purchase materials?


A. No, the student’s access and ability to purchase materials is not reliant on the linkability feature. The students will have the same freedom within the intranet whether they are linked or not.


Q. I accidentally got unlinked from my teacher account. How can I relink to my student/s?


A. Unlinking and/or denying a student (even if accidentally) is not permanent. A student can re-submit their linking request by going into their account and repeating the verification process again.


Q. How do I unlink from a student that I no longer teach?


A. With just a couple clicks you can unlink from any student. Follow the steps below to unlink a student.


1. Navigate to the ‘My Students’ page (located in the ‘My Account’ portion of the Teacher Intranet).


2. Click the name of the student you would like to unlink from to load their ‘Student Information’.


3. Once their profile is loaded there will be an ‘unlink student’ button below all their info. Simply click ‘Unlink Student’ and confirm.


Q. Who can my students contact if they can't access their purchased SHMs and/or need help with their account?


A. If a student has trouble accessing or viewing their digital SHMs they can contact support@simplymusic.com.


Q. How does my student unlock more of the curriculum?


A. Students unlock digital access to additional SHMs by purchasing it from the student ‘Store’. Access to the Store is located in the top navigation of the Student Intranet. Please direct your student to purchase SHMs as you see fit.


We recommend you familiarize yourself with the layout and organization of the Student Intranet by reading through Simply Music’s “Support” documents – Click Here for Support Documents 


Q. What if I don’t have a printer at home and wants to print out my SHMs?

A. You can get your digital files printed at a local printer or copy shop if you do not have access to a printer at home. Any professional printer will require a permission slip from Simply Music stating that they have permission as well as specifying what program (Level 1, Songs for Children, etc.) they have permission to print prior to going to a professional printer. Students will need to email support@simplymusic.com and request a permission slip for the specific materials (program or level) they are wanting to get printed.